Energy-saving coatings to improve pump performance
​Advances in modern coating systems mean they are now an efficient, cost effective and reliable method of responding to most corrosion, erosion and abrasion problems.
Our specialists can advise the correct grade and application method to suit your needs.
The latest generation of coatings can help to save energy by improving the performance of your equipment.

We often coat the internal and some external surfaces of the pumps to provide additional protection and extend the life of pumps working in demanding conditions. And ith almost 50 years of experience, we can often save expensive pumps from being replaced through innovative and cost effective repairs.
The workshop is accredited to ISO 9001. Our service includes site visits to survey customer pumping requirements followed by a fully costed report with recommendations.
We can also arrange the installation and commissioning of pumping systems using accredited and trained fitters. Besides our high quality repair and overhaul work, we also source and supply new pumps of any type and application.